

That one friend who literally says literally every chance they get.

You Have Narcissism Bro!

Takes psych 101, starts analyzing everyone he knows.

How Are You So Annoying!!!

You never know how annoying someone is until you live with them.

Ads on YouTube

Why is is that all advertisements on Youtube play instantly but the video itself takes ten minutes to load?

That’s Too Many Sneezes!

Don’t expect a ‘Bless You’ after the 5th sneeze, get that under control.

#Hashtag Overload

Uses hashtags, on every comment.

Changed Status to Single

Went from “single” to “in a relationship” Fourth time this week, same guy.

Can My Bros Come Too?

Invited to party, brings 8 other guys with him.

You’re Dieting?!

“You’re Dieting?” Thinks about food 24/7.

What Alarm Clock Do You Use?

The best alarm clock? Kids.