
Found A Gift Card!

Finds $100 gift card in junk drawer, Circuit City

When’s The World Ending Again?

I remember when the world wasn’t coming to an end every 2 months.

There’s A Name For It?!

That dizzy feeling you get when you stand up too fast is called “postural hypotension.”

I Gotta Be Nice To Her

I’ll never backstab my best friend because she has way too much dirt on me.

Music + Homework = Awesomeness

Music + Homework = Awesomeness

Did Anyone See That?

How come everytime I do something awesome no one is around to witness it?

Failed Final

Failed Final, so did everyone else.

The Relationship Abandoner!

When your friend gets a new boyfriend and forgets that you even exist.

eBooks Need Real Book Smell

I won’t be buying a nook until they come out with one that can actually produce a ‘real book’ smell.

I Look Important!

Sometimes I’ll wear a suit just to make myself look important.