
Your Attitude Determines Mine

Don’t get confused by my personality and my attitude. My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are.

Are You Single?

About to ask girl if she is single, she asked first.

Getting Back With Your Ex Is Like…

Getting back together with your ex is like taking a shower and then putting your dirty underwear back on.

I Wanna Meet Someone Special

Wants to meet someone special, who also dislikes meeting new people.

Are You Really Worth Shaving For?

Somewhere out there is a man worth shaving my legs for.

Changing Status To Orphan

I hate when couples have a little fight then change their status on Facebook to “single.” I fight with my parents and I don’t change my status to “Orphan.”

Women Love Men In Uniforms

Women say they love a man in uniform, but when I go clubbing in my McDonald’s uniform no one will even talk to me.

Awwww You Thought I Was Sane?

I’m glad you fell in love with me when you thought I was all nice and sane.

The Best Relationship Advice

The best relationship advice: Make sure you are the crazy one.

I Thought They Would Never Leave

That moment you leave a first date and fart for 3 minutes straight.