
You’re In Trouble Now

Never play a prank on someone who is more creative than you

Dang I’m Actually Sick Now!

That terrible moment when you fake being sick and then you actually get sick.

Is That A Dumb Moment?

If you have a blonde moment and you’re not blonde; is it just called a dumb moment?

Why Didn’t They Leave A Message?!

That annoying moment when a number you don’t know calls…you ignore it…and they don’t leave a message.

I Can’t Wait To Grow Up!

Remember when you couldn’t wait to grow up? Yeah, I am regretting that now.

Updates Ready!

Update is ready to install okay, it can wait another month.

Say No To Urban Dictionary

Just say no to drugs…and any word you find on urban dictionary.

Hop On!

I’ve always wanted to ride in one of those motorized scooters at the grocery store.

Oh No! Not The Photo!!

Everyone has that one childhood photo that you hope no one ever sees.

No Napkin? No Problem!

Using your sleeve as an emergency napkin and kleenex.