
Is That Fruit Real?!

That awkward moment when you’re not sure if that basket of fruit is real or fake…


This is what happens when you fart in a smart car.

Mini Vans are Sexy and you Know It

Thank you for informing me you have a stick figure family of 6…Your minivan had me under the impression you were wild & single

I don’t approve.

How does Honey Boo Boo’s mom have a boyfriend, yet I’m still single?

Excuse me, flow?

Jokes about menstrual cycles are not funny. Period.

Why so serious?

I feel sorry for people who take things WAY to seriously.

can you handle it?

If you can handle me getting all “white girl wasted” we can make this work.

don’t judge me

If by “working out” you mean “dancing in front of a mirror in my underwear and a pair of heels” then yes, I work out.

I Will Never Need That, But It’s A Great Deal

That awkward moment when you buy something you don’t need just because it was a great deal.

Push Does Not Equal Pull

That awkward moment when you push the door, when it clearly says pull.