
But Mom!!

Missed the due date on an essay, has mom talk to professor.

Wet Dogs

Wet Dogs

Watching Them Makes Me Tired!

I get tired just by watching other people work out.

I Get About Half Done and Give Up

Like if you’ve never actually completed a puzzle.

All belts are like this.

Saving Money Isn’t Hard!

Saving money isn’t the hard part; the hard part is getting money to save.

What Are You Doing Grandma?

That hilarious moment when your grandparents try to use the computer.

My Favorite Movie?!

Asking me to pick a favorite movie is like asking me to pick a favorite grandparent.

This Picture Looks Good!

Taking a picture and thinking, “Dang, I look good.” and then uploading it to Facebook and thinking, “Ew, delete..delete…delete”

We Need To Fix This!

Movie Theater Arm Rests