
I Intend To Live Forever

I intend to live forever. So far, so good.

I Don’t Love You!

I don’t love you, just your accent.

No I Understood It

No, that joke didn’t go over my head, it just wasn’t funny.

You’re Starting Your Diet When?!

An optimist is a person who starts a new diet on Thanksgiving Day.

What Am I Thankful For?

What am I thankful for this Thanksgiving? Not being a turkey.

Scales and Turkey Don’t Mix

Don’t go near a scale on Thanksgiving; give your body a day or two to get rid of the 3 pounds of turkey.

Trash TV is Great

There is something about watching unstable people on TV that brings me great joy.

Google Already Knows

Why do I need to learn anything when Google already has all the answers?

Where’d That Weight Come From?

Everytime I lose weight, I always seem to find it again three weeks later.

What You Need To Get Girls

You only need six things to get a girl; they’re called abs.