
I Don’t Care What You Think of Me

I don’t care what you think of me. Unless you think I am awesome, in which case you are correct.

Variable Maturity Level

My level of maturity changes depending on who I am with.

OMG I Hate Fake Friends

“OMG I hate fake friends” has 4789 Facebook friends.

What’s a Secret?

Secrets: Something you tell everybody to tell nobody.

We’re Just Facebook Friends

I swear your mom and I are just Facebook friends.

I Think We’ll Be Friends Forever

I think we’ll be friends forever because we’re too lazy to find new friends.

Now I Have To Sit In The Back

My friend called shotgun, before I did.

What Did You Call Me?

Best friends don’t get offended when you insult them, they just call you something even worse.

Ha! Got You!

Pretending you’re sleeping, never gets old.

Attractive or Lonely?

I’m not sure if he’s attractive or I’m just lonely.