
Presidential Vegetable

What’s Michelle Obama’s favorite vegetable? Barackoli.

A Gentleman Always Opens The Door!

Opens door for date, hits her in the face.

Car Is Short For Something?!

The word “car” is short for carriage.

I Found The Stash!

My mom hid my halloween candy stash, found it.

This Was Just On The News!

Confesses to murder on death bed, makes a miraculous recovery.

I’m Now A Beer Expert!

Drinks first Sam Adams, becomes instant expert on craft beers.

I Got The Brewskies!!

No money for rent, buys beer.

I Forgot My Homework!

Forgot to do homework, deadline extended.

Hold The Door!

Sees you opening the door for him, speeds up.

Door Must Be Locked

Pushes door that says pull, turns around and goes home.