
Did Anyone See That?

How come everytime I do something awesome no one is around to witness it?

I’ll Take One App Please!

Goes to the apple store, to buy an app.

Meanwhile On Instagram

Meanwhile On Instagram

Failed Final

Failed Final, so did everyone else.

The Relationship Abandoner!

When your friend gets a new boyfriend and forgets that you even exist.

eBooks Need Real Book Smell

I won’t be buying a nook until they come out with one that can actually produce a ‘real book’ smell.

I Look Important!

Sometimes I’ll wear a suit just to make myself look important.

This Happens Way Too Often!

Pulling up next to the only gas pump that is “out of order”

What Did I Need Again?

Remembers to make shopping list, forgets it at home.

Who’s Your Favorite?!

Every parent secretly has a favorite kid.