
But They Are So Young

Kids born in the year 2000, will be teenagers next year.

Wristbands Are For Your Forehead!

Sweatbands on your wrist, are for wiping sweat off your forehead.

Do I Have Hypochondria?

Hypochondria, is the only illness hypochondriacs won’t think they have.

Which Way Is Clockwise?!

If all clocks turn digital, how will we know what clockwise and counterclockwise are?

Is It A Couch Potato?

If you put a potato on a couch; does it become a couch potato?

How Much?

How much do dead batteries cost? Nothing, they’re free of charge!

Crazy Cat Lady or Dog Lover

Why do we call a woman with a bunch of cats the “crazy cat” lady, but we call a woman with a bunch of dogs a, “dog lover.”

The Roof is REALLY on Fire!

If a roof actually does catch on fire during a party; no one is going to believe the person that yells, “The roof is on fire!”

Car Is Short For Something?!

The word “car” is short for carriage.

You Couldn’t Pause TV?!

Just think…twenty years down the road your kids will be saying things like, “You mean to tell me there was a time when you couldn’t pause live TV?”